Take it Personally is an app that my team has been developing for almost two years. With the launch date coming closer, I wanted to point out a few reasons why I think it will have a positive effect on our community. For all of you reading this who just joined the conversation, Take it Personally is an app that connects freelancers who offer local services with their clients and their community. These skilled individuals wouldn’t have a LinkedIn profile in a typical scenario because they offer offline services to their neighbourhood. Anyone who has a special skill can sign up to become a service provider on tiP app.
The Take it Personally team has made it a mission to assist in creating healthy communities who support each other. Here are the 4 reasons how tiP can benefit your life:
1. An easy way to meet service providers in your community
The days when you had to call around town to get your pipes fixed are now over! Within the Take it Personally app, simply type the keyword in your search and reach out to a fellow neighbour who will be delighted to give you a helping hand.
2. Find respected professionals whom you can trust
It can be tricky for offline service providers to transparently showcase their expertise online. Our platform allows users to say thank you to the professionals for their special skill set and performance. The most popular freelancers will be able to gain awards and Thank You notes from their clients making their profile more visible to others. This simplifies the matchmaking between them and your unique situation.
3. Learn new skills
Are you tired of isolation and thinking of picking up guitar lessons? Your tutor might be the guy from 23H who lend you a hand while you were moving your couch. Ok, maybe not precisely him but it could be someone else within walking distance. Reach out to your new guitar teacher and get ready for your next jamming session!
4. Empower individuals
It’s no secret that 2020 has been a challenging year for many. Take it Personally gives everybody a chance to become a personal brand and use their profile for further promotion, networking and customer acquisition. Our vision is to help people of all professions feel noticed and appreciated while creating a space for users to have a cost-effective way of finding assistance with their everyday challenges.